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Structured Search

The platform provides a powerful mechanism for expressing the user’s request in an incremental way: structured search based on fundamental categories and relations. Structured search assumes that the user wants to search for data instances classified into some fundamental categories: the most representative concepts within the domain.

This is how the component looks like: Structured search components

Guided Tour

The guided tour will help you create your first structured search component, step by step. Please take in note that the user must follow each step of the tour, in order to work properly.

Start you Query

Let's create a simple test query: 'We want to find all the Datasets that have been published between 2000 and 2022'

First you must select the Category you want to search (Datasets) from the provided list. Structured search dataset

Then we must click the "was published during" .

Structured search dataset date

And click the date range row to add the years we want to search.

Structured search dataset date input

Then click the "Select" button and view the results.

Structured search results

Here we have three representations for the results.

  1. Grid Results Structured search results grid
  2. Table Results Structured search results table
  3. Graph Results Structured search results graph

The users can download the results in CSV , JSON or RDF format.


A Filtering functionality also is provided.

Structured search filters

  • The search request entered by the user is translated into a SPARQL query through the configured search definition component. Once the search is executed, it produces an initial set of results. This initial set of results can be explored and further refined by the user through the faceted filtering capabilities. The faceted filtering stage generates additional search clauses, that are injected into the original SPARQL query.

  • Facets are populated based on the content of the initial result set and reflect the actual categories and relations of the instances returned by the original query. Depending on the category ranges of the relations the facets can be visualized using different UI components

  • The multiple boxes on the top helps the user find a filter with a specific type. So if the user presses the box with the type date only the filterings with the type date will appear.

  • Users can input many filtering restrictions to improve their search results and each time the component will refresh

Video Tutorial